Water Soluble Circle Templates for Sunshine & Lollipops by Anni Downs


These Paper Solvy water soluble circles are the templates for the Sunshine & Lollipops BOM currently running in the Homespun Magazine.

It is easy to shape the fabric over the templates especially if the fabric is starched first using household starch available in supermarkets. Plus it is more cost effective than some other options. It is not adhesive but still works very well or you could use a little fabric glue if needed.
Paper Solvy is lovely to work with because it’s a water soluble stabilizer that you can use as a foundation or stabilizer and it dissolves quickly in water, making it so useful for applique because it disappears and leaves no bulk behind the fabric. Paper Solvy does not gum-up needles, is non-toxic and bio-degradable.

Each pack contains

1″ circle x 42
2″ circle x 5
2 1/4″ circle x 5
3″ circle x 9
5″ circle x 4
7 1/2″  x 3

3 in stock