Cowslip Country Quilts Book by Jo Colwill


We’re very excited to stock Jo Colwill of Cowslip Workshop’s beautiful Cowslip Country Quilts book, dedicated to the things she loves best: the countryside, nature, animals and sewing. Jo’s attention to detail, and elaborate scenes, are unlike anything you have ever seen.

This book is an appliqué lover’s dream! Jo has created a diversity of projects to decorate your home with. Drawing from everyday life in the country, Jo’s quilts portray flower compositions, orchards, exquisite country fairs, and her favourite animals.

For those who love to make pillows and cushions to accompany your quilts, you will not be disappointed! Her pie-crust cushions are simply a must. 16 projects of varying difficulty are carefully detailed and illustrated, along with a section on her favourite embroidery stitches.

Unfortunately with lock down and hurrying to print for Nante!!! some descriptions and credits got left out, Jo would like to say thank you to Becky, Helen, Jan and the whole Cowslip team for supporting her and to Sandy Chandler , The Quilting Company who expertly quilted Dancing with Daisies, Stephens apple quilt and Ritas Quilt, plus the find the dog quilt in the front.   The Going to the Show quilt includes a rosette and needle case Jo purchased from Jessie Chorley, plus her two dogs made by Primmy Chorley they are very special to Jo and live on the quilt telling the story with their permission.

4 in stock