Tilda Solids – Embroidery Flower Quilt Kit
This lovely quilt is quite unusual and is reminiscent of floral needlepoint embroideries,
recreated here using a subtle mixture of solid fabrics on a dark peacock background. The
design is made up of just squares in a single size, so there’s lots of easy cutting and sewing,
although for the best result you do have to match up seams neatly when sewing the patches
together. For the background, individual squares are used throughout rather than strips, to
continue the appearance of an embroidery.
This kit contains all the fabric to make the top of this stunning quilt. It also contains a printed copy of the pattern from Tilda’s World.
You will also need backing fabric if using your choice of a single fabric: 5yds (4.6m) OR
Backing fabric if making the pieced backing described: refer to Step 5 of the pattern for fabrics needed
• Binding fabric: ⅝yd (60cm) – Solid peacock (120045) has been used in the original.
Finished Size
63½in x 81½in (161.3cm x 207cm)
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